
CAE: The Kopavae

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NPC Equina Theokleia | NPC Ungu Donor [2610]
- Delia [Herd Guard/Beastosie]

Theokleia was the first to use an Ungulatam as a donor through StarCrost, a choice made as the species was very similar to their own. Her herd the Kopavae had gone through the company already, many of the mares had wanted to after a virus left them sterile. The first round had been done with Petraergo donors, and it had gone very well. Theokleia's two daughters from the last round were in their late teens, so she was sure she could handle things. Being a bit bold she opted to do two sets through the company, and ended up with five children. Four were Ungulatam and one was a human, likely coming from her genetics. Out of all five only one of the children was male. Delia was the last Ungulatam child to be born into the lab from the set. She had a rich blue coat, dark gray skin, purple eyes, and red hair. She had been up and about as soon as she could get her hooves planted firmly.

Delia was a noisy foal that liked to try and chase her siblings in play, at least until someone else made a distressed sound! While she liked to play rough, she would never force another to play as roughly as she liked. Forcing things on people was wrong, and with her it could really get someone hurt. Her older sisters were forever interesting, she enjoyed trying to sit with or on them whenever she could to solicit their attention. She was always a big child, and was aware of it at an early age.  Delia had a great pride in her family! Her mother was an important part of the herd, the leader of the Academic branch of their herd. Anytime her family did something to be proud of she would be there to cheer for them.  Delia did averagely in academic classes, doing much better with lessons that were related to physically items. She liked to work and play in the fields, or try to learn how to follow tracks. Delia liked to try and help others learn, and when she was able to she found deep pride in herself. Her magic also came in as a child. Delia first activated it at home, startling herself when something she had been focusing on slid a bit across the table. It was investigated, and found that she had Telekentic abilities. It was important to take classes as the ability could be dangerous if not controlled correctly. She took well to training, mostly interested in making sure she would never accidentally trigger it.

When she got to adulthood  Delia was already sure what she was going to be doing. The Ungulatam wanted to be a Beastosie so she could watch over others as a guard for the herd. Her ability could be limitedly used in the field, though she would have to continue taking classes for years to be able to do things like command shields into place to stop someone or protect herself and others. Delia had a deep respect for the herd hierarchy, and was not one to question it. Those with positions of power did well in them, and showed how well their herd functioned. She was just into adulthood when Arcadia had to be evacuated due to the invasion causing the herd to move to Kispria. It was a concerning time, but with the herd safely moved she would continue on with her duties as soon as they settled enough to start work again. Keeping calm and steady would help those around her less sure of themselves to adjust faster in her opinion.

NPC Equina Helene | NPC Ungu Donor [2613]
- Tasoula [Spa Employee]
NPC Equina Olympos | NPC Ungu Donor [2620]
- Kyriake [Spa Employee]

Tasoula was born in 2613 to the Equina Helene. It had been her mother's time using StarCrost to get around her infertility. Her two older brothers were both Petraergos, the twins sharing the same Okapi Markings on their bodies. Tasoula herself looked to be nearly solidly colored outside her Petraergo like underbelly that ran up all the way up her chest and over her nose. Her shoulder and flanks had light colored spots on them, and she had pale blue eyes. Tasoula was a mix of cool colors which made her warm brown hair stand out. When she was first brought home she proved to be a calm child, while she would play she was more then happy to just sit back and watch others. She generally worked as she grew to stay away from adventurous games.

School was a challenge. She had always to an extent clung to her mother, and being at school meant being without her. She liked to have direct attention, and having things as much her way as she could get them. So at first Tasoula attached to her teacher, before figuring out the adult was not able to give her all the attention she wanted. The next logical step was to get other students to give her the attention she wanted. Tasoula worked to learn how to distract others, and stayed more focused on that and keeping their attention then school work. In the end she would have low grades, high enough to pass; but not anything to be very proud of. Tasoula collected friends as she was sure that the more friends you had the better you were then others. Now she knew she wasn't as high up and never would be as high up as the lead mare or the other leaders, but she could do well.

Seven years after Tasoula was born, another mare named Olympos was off to StarCrost for a second time. She loved children and was hoping the lab would be able to give her many. The mare had ordered two sets from the lab with high hopes, and while she pouted a bit when she was told it wasn't the max number; she was still ecstatic to have three children through the process. The only Artiodac of the three was named Kyriake. Her body was covered in piebald with coat fading darker near her hooves. Her tail only had hair at its tip, and provided the child with her own entertainment. The little blond wasn't incredible loud or needy, only crying when she really needed something and even then very quietly.

Kyriake loved stuff. Not just anything, but stuff other people wanted. When she was young it was toys, and as she aged it would be money. She liked to get things and hoard them to make sure she was the only one that had them. Of course as she went to school and learned more she began to see that their were many ways to get currency in many form. The Ungulatam's favorite balanced between money and favors. You could even use the money to buy favors, or have people do favors to get money. She never did anything incredibly bad, she didn't want to get in trouble with the higher members of the herd. She had her place and even as a kid knew it. She was ten when her family had to leave Arcadia and find a new home on Kispria. It was a chaotic time and a lot of things changed, the entire event really threw off her business. In the end she graduated with good grades and some fifty favors from other students.

Kyriake had found as she grew that she had a unique gift. Electro-kenesis was the ability to manipulate electric, and she had a fun time learning careful control of the power. Being able to give people little shocks was much more interesting then calling down a bolt from the sky. She honestly didn't like any of the village jobs, she wanted to start something new. It was when her family was visiting each other that she started to form a plan. Fabiola was one of the many in her family, and had a very interesting business going on. One that wasn't making much profit, but one she could see getting extremely popular as it was the only place like it in town. The purple Petraergo might as well have had money signs floating around her. It was easy to buddy up to her and try to learn more of what she did, and of course give small smiles and support. She was not one of those over eccentric money grabbers people saw in films! All was going well until- She found out someone else had the same idea. Well Tasoula didn't have the same exact idea, she saw it as a chance to get all the attention she could want without having to go around and throw herself in people's laps. Everyone liked to be pampered from time to time, and with her knowing people it would be no issue to lure more customers in.

While the two girls quietly dueled over her, Fabiola was more then ecstatic to be getting so much attention. She finally asked the girls what they thought about making it a three way business. The two had to think it over, but finally agreed to work out a contract. And so it was between the three they were able to afford a shop (living under it in their own apartments). They named it Mystic Sands, as it was agreed it sounded fancy and might attract people to come look. It was part spa, part gift shop with spa related products (local made products mostly, as people seemed to like artisan items over manufactured), and part Zen studio. Each had their own skills, and were fulfilling their own needs through the business. Kyriake Did mostly financial work and advertizement, while getting a license to do electric based treatment on the side. Using acupuncture needles or applying it directly seemed to work well, and with her using her own magic it saved a tiny bit on cost to run the place. Tasoula would lead meditation classes and social gatherings, encouraging that the spa had a once a month open door party to show themselves off. It was a good way to get the attention of clients when a party was going on at a location. Fabiola would be left to the card and palm reading, as she was the only one interested. All of them could do the other generalized things at the spa as well, making sure to keep their licenses up to date while they worked to grow and expand their business.

NPC Equina Karadisa | NPC Ungu Donor [2620]
- Kirke [Shepard]
NPC Equina Herla | NPC Ungu Donor [2620]
- Eutychos [Shepard - Veterinarian]

Both Herla and Karadisa went the same year to StarCrost. It was the second time each mare had gone to the lab to get children, switching donor species from Petraergo to Ungulatam as many other herd members had as it so far had shown to be safe. Each Mare would get one set, as neither was sure they could handle more then three children at the time. Herla had Karadisa each had the max for a set with three children, bringing them home to the herd on Arcadia at near to the same time.

Eutychos was the first of Herla's children to be born at the lab, a large Errisoda boy with a stripped coat. He had a sister of the same type with long ears named Cleitus, and an Artiodac brother named Euclid. His older sister Eirene was a Petraergo, in her teen years at thirty years old and still living in home with her mother. Eutychos's oldest sister was an Equina named Arisia who had two children who were also thirty at a time. If nothing else Eutychos could never claim he had a lack of family, or a boring family; and was a rather content foal that got in very little trouble.

Kirke was also a first born for her set, or first registered as born anyway. The tiny girl was an  Errisoda with Okapi style markings on her green coat. Her tail only had fuzz on the end, and would never grow more along it in life. Her immediate siblings were Philokrates who had a white coat with thin stripes and Kassondra who also had stripes, but with a red coat. Her three Petraergo siblings that were twenty at the time (making them equivalent to ten) meaning they were going to all be adults at nearly the same time. Kirke was very easily frightened, running off with a distressed sound any time something loud went off as a foal. She generally stuck close to her mother or siblings when she could, with the full belief that she was completely safe with them.

Kirke and Eutychos ended up in the same class together, and made quick friends. Both of them were trusting individuals with a rather naive view of the world around them. Kirke liked Eutychos as the boy was tall enough to hide under and was perfectly fine wither her being a cowards. He was willing to help her work through her fears and to step out and try new things. Eutychos enjoyed being able to teach Kirke things and that she showed him equal trust as he gave. The two generally had their own small circle, other people came and went out of it; but they stayed close friends all the way through school. Both did averagely in standard classes. While Eutychos was incredible smart it was not towards the basic areas in school. Instead he had a natural talent with animals, able to read them well and work with them. When asked he simply would state it was a matter of gaining their trust and knowing how to listen to them. Even with the help of  Eutychos, Kirke was never great at school and had to work hard to get good grades in each class. Both of them had fun with learning about herd things and jobs, but often had to be corrected when cleaver students around them made things up and Eutychos didn't know anything on the topic.

They had spent a lot of time day dreaming as kids, joking about what it would be like to be at the top under Sophia and in charge of taking care of the herd. Neither really wanted that, it was fine not to be someone highly important. They knew they wanted to continue hanging out with each other, even if people did embarrassing things like asking if they were dating. The two were very close, but it was nothing that had ever been romantic. They both wanted to be Shepards, but while Kirke was happy to just join an apprenticeship and get the training in the herd, Eutychos wanted to go to upper schooling to get his degree as a vet. Once done with schooling he returned to the herd to take up a position as a vet for their live stock.

NPC Equina Sophia | NPC Ungu Donor [2620]
- Onesimos [Blind Fighting Instructor/Exhibitor]
NPC Equina Dolicha | NPC Ungu Donor [2620]
- Methodios [Harvester]
- Eirene [Hunter]

Sophia went back to StarCrost the second time in 2620 along with her granddaugter Dolicha, and other mares comfortable to do so in the year. Sophia brought home three children all together, one human and two Ungulatam. Dolicha would bring home two Ungulatam children of her own, making for many new members to the Lead Mare Sophia's family.

Onesimos was the only human child of his Mother Sophia at the lab. Two other human's had been born to the Herd before him, but it did not change the fact that he was unique in his family at the time. For a human he was a bit odd looking. He had a fade to his skin that made it white around his nose and mouth, traveling down his chest and torso. The spots on his face were much too large to mistake as freckles dotting over his cheeks. Onesimos even had a deer like tail growing out of him, just a bit of Fuzz as an infant. He had four older siblings, two Equina and two Petraergo. Sophia was warned that the boy was blind so she would start preparing to work with the issue as she raised him. It was different taking care of a human child then an Ungulatam. He was unable to walk on his own for months; unlike his siblings who could with confidence in hours. As a toddler he showed clear anxiety for new environments, not liking rooms or places he had not navigated before. Onesimos was lucky though, the same principles that applied in training for blind fighting could be applied to help him gain confidence in his blindness. On top of that he had Methodios and Eirene around often to help him with new areas he had not previously been in. With that as a start the three relatives becoming very close as they grew.

Eirene had a gray coat and purple eyes, her coat was fully covered in spots. One of her most interesting features was the complete lack of a tail. Their was no nub, when checked it simply showed that the bones had not fully developed. It was nothing that was going to cause discomfort or health issues so not a big concern. She was a fairly calm foal once she took to her feet, sticking close to her mother. Her brother Methodios had spots on a brown coat, and long red hair. He was not like his sister in lack of a tail. The Foal was also one to stick closely to his mother, but was much more vocal and energetic. The two had been born when their older sister Xanthe was turning thirty, becoming a lesson in responsibility for the Albino Petraergo. Xanthe liked the two just fine, and took amusement in her ability to make herself into a wall to keep the foals from running off.

All three went to school together, as they were born in the same year and grew at the same rate. The three did well as a little group, in part because they took turns with who was in charge. Sometimes it was the blunt, no nonsense  Onesimos. Other times it was the calm and intelligent Eirene. And once in a while it was the free spirited and happy Methodios. While he was blind Onesimos did very well in school, and had no issue tutoring Eirene and Methodios in their weak areas. The three all got to live through the 2630 evacuation of Arcadia. They were only ten at the time and didn't fully understand the scope of what was going on. For a ten year old imagining an entire planet being evacuated was hard, their world generally existed with in the walls of the village. Where they settled on Kispria was very much similar, just new buildings and homes. Onesimos clang to his two friends the hardest during the first few weeks after the move when not with other parts of the family. Everything he knew, his safe and known world was gone. Both Eirene and Methoidios adjusted much better, each finding something they liked in their new world. A few years were needed to settle, but school went on. By the end all three would be graduating as average students.

No one in their little group had powers, which meant getting to skip classes on magic. They did however have to go through the same teachings of basic hunting, foraging, economics with trade and bartering, and repair and mending. These were good life lessons as well as lessons that would help them find what they wanted to do later in life.

Onesimos never grew out of his anxiety for new places, even with someone with him it could be hard on him. He was always quick to the point, and never tried to sugar coat or ease the blow of something said. Through his life he kept up with blind fighting, finding a sense of full calm in the movements and actions. It was something he could do naturally, no one trying to adjust it around his blindness. He knew of the hierarchy of the herd, and was respectful of it. So when he started thinking of a profession, he first wanted to get the permission of his mother. Onesimos desired to become a blind fighting instructor. With other bipedals in the herd, and possible interested Symbols; it seemed that someone who knew specifically how to do the ancient art on two feet would be the best teacher. The second part made him a bit more nervous. He wanted to travel on and off to share the art at hand to hand demonstrations and meets. She had many questions for the traveling part, mostly how he would handle his anxiety. He would explain that Methodios was willing to serve as his guide during the trips, and help him through his issues with new places. She would talk to Methodios before giving her son permission for the traveling part.

Methodios was always happy and full of energy, even as he grew older he kept a sort of child like air. Every moment could be exciting, every new thing an adventure. He was very devoted to his friends and family. For Onesimos he was his eyes to teach him a room and lead him to memorize it enough not to be nervous. For his sister we was a person to bounce ideas off, no matter what they were. He found a good deal of joy in many everyday things, and was fine trying all the position in the herd as he learned what he wanted to do. He ended up wanting to work the land as a Sugomuze. Getting to support his herd from the base up with taking care of the harvest. He didn't view himself much as a leader in the herd, but a content follower. When Onesimos came to him about his idea for traveling the two had needed to sit down for a while and work it out. As long as it wasn't a time important to the cycles of the fields he was all for it, and when Sophia came to him explained that was the case. He had to also get the permission of Olympos as she was head of his area, and needed to be aware of his plans. In the end everything was green for when they could start traveling.

Eirene was glad for the company of her brother and cousin. Having the two around meant she didn't have to search hard for friends. She was one known for her common sense and ability to work out how to make things work out. Eirene was not book smart, but she was life smart. Having the two as loyal friends helped as well, as she had several interests that others were uncomfortable with. From a young age she really liked the idea of having control over other things. Animals that the herd tended, then pets, then wild things she caught and kept in secret. She liked the power over those small lives, the idea that you could own a living thing. Neither Onesimos or Methodios seemed to get it, but they never judged her for it.

She drifted a bit away from them with age, her interests becoming more private as she  learned more about her wants. Other people felt the way she did as well, and at first it started with an interest in domination; more specifically the role of Dominatrix. It kept her interest in her teen years, investigating online when she had time between classes and life. But- It never fully did it for her, it was not the same as owning something. She had also seen things on Sentient trafficking and Slavery. Study showed that was more to her taste, she liked to think of owning another person. Sadly it was not something that one could simply walk into, so her interest for the time would need to remain fantasy. She took a job in the herd as a Teneeze. It gave her a bit of the thrill she wanted, enjoying capturing animals alive to bring back over outright killing them. While she respected the herd and the hierarchy, and did not feel a need to fight it; she also had a need to follow her own heart. The herd would never approve of the things she wanted to do, but maybe if she was quiet enough she could someday do it under their noses without getting caught or find someone to share it with privately.

NPC Equina Mei Lian | NPC Ungu Donor [2620]
- Zhi Ya [Scholar/Akazimaikos of Anthropology]
- Shun Qiang [Scholar/Akazimaikos of Religion]
- Nuo Chun [Herd Guard/Beastosie]

Mei Lian had always been a brave woman willing to take on a challenge. She had already had been the mother of five children at the time of going to StarCrost for a second time. Three of her children where teens in home, but close enough to grown that she felt they and she could handle more children. She set up two set through the company and was pleased to hear that she had five Ungulatam foals on the way. She had chosen Ungulatam over another round of Petraergo, as it was shown that her species matched genetically well to the other centaur likes species. Four of her new children had four legs and one had two, not that it much mattered to her. They were her kids and that made each one something special.

Zhi Ya was born a full Kirin like her mother. Split hooves, Lions tail, single antler, and scales. Her red coat was patched with green scales, the colors going well with her white fluffy hair. She was a happy little foal, ears always focused forward as she took in the world around her. Everything was interesting and of all the things she liked she liked being read to the most. If she couldn't beg her mother into it then she would prod one of her older siblings (or at least she would until they moved out). She was not as far as they could tell mentally advanced for her age, it was just she had a love of learning things. Outside of her wants she was fairly well behaved when small, being perfectly happy behaving for her family and have down time without running around.

As soon as she found out that one could have a job that was based around learning as an adult it became her only goal. She wanted extremely badly to be a Akazimaikos more then anything else she had ever wanted in her life. She wasn't sure when young what she wanted to devote herself to the study of, but it just meant exploring! When not working to keep good grades or playing with friends Zhi Ya was off chasing the seniors in her dream field. This meant poking after Theoklesia  as the leader of the academic fields, as well persons like Dolicha a Akazimaikos of Magic. It got some laughs, but with the girl willing to be patient and polite most didn't turn down at least a short interview. She also began finding it was not just the senior Akazimaikos that had valuable knowledge. Some of the elders in other feilds had useful information, and she took a great liking to talking to those with long life experience. It became habit to seek them out, even those in true old age.

Age was an odd thing to her herd. A majority were Equina that had been around for longer then any Petraergo had lived, and the other large group were Petraergo who had been known to live many of hundreds of years. And then there were Ungulatam that lived up to four hundred years. But what about people like Onesimos? She knew the boy from school, he was one of Sophia the herd leaders children. Despite his looks he was indeed a human which meant his life expectancy was one hundred years, two hundred it he got an implant to live longer. With so many long lived people? How would they handle death coming so quickly?

The were standing on the edge of a new era for the herd, the entire group had relocated when she was ten and started a new life on Kispria to get away from the Invasion. It had been a troubled time and had caused some unease in the herd. And that was when she realized what she wanted to study. Not math, or science, or literature, instead a type of history. The history of her culture in the past and in the modern era. She would directly go to Theoklesia to ask if such a position existed and how to start one if not, before approaching Sophia to politely ask to start a project to save the history of the herd and who they were and are so one day it could be read by future generations. She agreed to let the girl try. It helped a great deal that she had learned many forms of charm as she grew up, her polite attitude blooming into the ability to get others to ease up and speak. She shot off after her passion with intent only to look back if she needed something for her studies.

The third Foal was named Shun Qiang. The boy had a dapple coat that looked like water, and a tufted tail. The oddest thing was the ridge of horn nubs the followed along the curve of his head in a similar way to Nephidae horns. His hair faded from blond to a pale blue. He was a energetic foal that was happy to prance after anyone close enough to catch his attention. His bravery in exploring was directly related to range of vision, and as soon as Mom or older family members were out of sight he was bolting straight back for them. Even when very young he tended to share without having to be pushed, and was always honest if he had done something he shouldn't have.

Shun Qiang was perfectly happy to talk to others and openly interact, but as he aged was troubled by certain behaviors. He did not like those that openly admitted to being dishonest, and those that didn't work to earn their own grades or things in life. He held his tongue on the matter, and instead focused on bettering himself as a person. It could be hard at times, pressure from friends or to do well in school could urge him to break rules. And sometimes you were gifted with things you had not earned through others being kind. Shun Qiang was very unsure of himself and his world as he worked to get his footing. This was thrown off completely when the herd had to evacuate Kispria in 2630 and move to Cruix. Every one had different reactions, some worse then others and some really bad. Shun Qiang however thought that it was what needed to happen. Maybe things had become to comfortable so the Gods had decided to move them and make them relearn things. Around doing averagely in school and finding a few close friends that thought like him over the years Shun Qiang focused on the study of the Gods and on religion.

While painful straight truth was best. If someone did something morally wrong, no matter the motives it was still wrong. You should always earn things in life, and if you were given a gift then you should give something equally back to others. He had considered being a priest, but did not feel he had to push his beliefs forwards. If people wanted to believe in the Gods then they would believe in them. He had no issues answering questions or sharing what he knew on the Gods when asked, having studied all of them since he was a child. Akazimaikos of Religion was what he eventually became, enjoying the academic life style. While he didn't mind physical work of helping around the herd he felt that his knowledge was the area he had to give the most from.

Lastly Nuo Chun was born at the lab. The fifth foal of the set looked very different from the rest of her family. Most of them were majorly blue or red, bright like their mother. Nuo Chun however was a light tan with black at the end of her limbs and black hair. The marking style was apparently called Dun by the Ungulatam. She was a very small foal compared to some of her siblings with a bit of a grumpy streak. She didn't like to be grabbed and picked up, making distressed sounds and wiggling. Sure it was fine to follow others or to go to them to be picked up, but was against it as soon as it was against her will. She was otherwise outgoing and rather adventurous when allowed, being very active when small.

Nuo Chun did not like school, but she didn't like looking like she was doing poorly in her academics either. As she got older she developed a system to make sure she came out on top of bribing others to do her homework and only studying what was needed to pass exams. It meant pop quiz's could trip her up or being called on in class, but she had enough good grades to see her through. Friends were a pain, most of them would claim friendship and then stab you in the back. She learned to be very selective of friends and found ways to test their loyalty to her to make sure they were not being dishonest. The move of 2630 was unsettling for her. It meant she had to relearn the lay of the land and some of the people around her really changed because of the move. She did not really change at all, simply going to work on getting back into her comfort zone with life.

Nuo Chun also had a nasty little vengeful streak. She had a great deal of physical training, her mother more then able to help her with hand to hand combat lessons. Nuo Chun also attended classes for it and blind fighting enjoying the physical challenge of it all. While she had all of this though, she never used it to get revenge. After all a bruise was for a week there were things that lasted longer and you were not going to get caught doing. Normally this involved being docile to the person that had wronged her, learning their routines- and then completely screwing with the stability. If a good student couldn't sleep because they had something slipped into a drink to keep them awake, they would do poorly on an exam. If someone was afraid of something specifically it was not hard to exploit.

She never grew out of it, and only got more careful with time. She had a deep respect of her herd, so she knew never to let them catch wind and never to do anything that would more then temporary visible damage. It was frustrating as she wanted to do more, but it would have to do. It was suggested with her talents she join GUARD, but she was fast to decline. She would tell them she wanted to stay near to protect her family as a guard of the herd. As a Beastosie she could do that. The real reason she didn't want to join GUARD was she knew her tendencies would be quickly found out by people she hadn't known her entire life. Couldn't get discharged from GUARD with that on her head and not have the herd learn of it. She was a full adult when she fell into friendship with another girl her age named Eirene, a hunter for the herd and daughter of the lead mare's daughter Dolicha. They had gotten caught up in mild conversation one day that led to regular meetings and then to a full friendship with trust between them. Nuo Chun was suprised by Eirene's weird desire to own a sentient being, but was not against plotting to help her. Maybe it could be someone she didn't like. The talks were very hush, hush and no one else was ever allowed to hear them. Would they ever go through on the plans? It was hard to tell, but neither was against helping the other if an opportunity came.

NPC Equina Berenike | NPC Ungu Donor [2622]
- Kopavae Evangelos [Shepard]

Berenike was one of the last of the herd to go through StarCrost again, going alongside Chole. She still had her daughter Kleitos in the home, the young Petraergo was seventeen at the time. Her older daughter Pharo had been an adult for awhile, and was raising two petraergo children of her own near  Kleitos's age named Phlo and Agra. The herd had used StarCrost before to over come the fact that they had all become sterile due to the virus of 2561, it was where her and her Daughter  Pharo had gotten their children. Going again was not something that concerned her, and her daughter Kleitos seemed fine with her mother bringing home more children. She decided on an Ungulatam donor, as many of the herd had chosen the species for their second trips to StarCrost and it had gone well for the herd so far. Two successes were had in her single batch, and eventually she was able to bring home a Ungulatam girl she named Iuppiter, and a Petraergo boy she named Evangelos.

Evangelos  was born with a chimeric body, splitting his color in half along his entire body. One side was cool colored with darker skin, and the other side was warmly colored with lighter skin. He had nubs on his head that suggested he had horns like his mother and sisters, though he would have a total of four. It was an interesting challenge raising the two children along side their older sister. While Evangelos would grow in sync with Kleitos, his sister Iuppiter would grow at twice his rate. By the time his sister Iuppiter was an adult his sister Kleitos was only three years from adulthood. Both girls would become shepherds for the herd, while their brother was still growing.

This was of course not fair. Evangelos wasn't exactly jealous of his sisters, he just didn't think it was fair that the two were adults before him. While they got to go do interesting things he was stuck in school. Blind fighting was fun, and helped with his energy. And magic lessons were interesting, letting Evangelos work towards controlling his wind ability (mostly used to knock things over). But otherwise he didn't like it, and often tried to skip out and go work with his sisters, because he could be a grown up as well. This rarely worked, and he had to go back to classes once caught; but it just encouraged him to do it more. His friends came and went, most his age not sure what to do with him. Evangelos had a mean streak and liked to start fights, verbal or otherwise. His mother did not put up with it, and worked to keep him from being a full terror.

The move to Kispria barely effected Evangelos at all, coming and going as a minor event to him. By the time Evangelos was fully grown he no longer wanted to be a Shepard like his sisters and Grandfather, even with his high level of training and experience in the area. He wanted to be a Beastosie like his mother, but she and the others in the occupation knew he was not going to handle it well. And they were right, Evangelos hated the restrictions that came with training for the position. He had his own opinion of how he should train. Once he gave up? He went back to the possibility of being a Shepard. He was good at it, he knew how to do it all from years sneaking off to try and work with his sisters and it was a lot less restrictive. He settled into the profession it time, as well as becoming a unpleasant land mark. He had no issue shouting at others and trying to rile them up, he had grown into a big beast and wasn't afraid of anyone that might want a fight for his harassment. It was a mix of being extremely physically active growing up, and doing work that required a lot of physical actions; not to mention his long term love of blind fighting. Let them try, getting to teach them a lesson was something that brought joy to his heart. The only person he'd never harass was the lead mare Sophia, you just did not screw with her (something he'd been taught through out life).
144 Sentences required, 360 written :dance: All the CAE are for the Kopavae herd, and it was an interest exercise seeing who befriended who and how they fit with prior generations. Over all a fun ride!
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